Thursday, November 12, 2009

My cat tries to brush her teeth on my fingernails. Did this ever happen to you?

I used to feed them "Greenies" as a snack and their teeth were sparkling clean. But my male cat got addicted to them. Now I decided to brush their teeth with cat toothpaste.

My cat tries to brush her teeth on my fingernails. Did this ever happen to you?
Cats have tiny glands at the corners of their mouth. They rub their mouths on anything they want to mark as their property.


Ain't that just the cutest!
Reply:no way, becuase i don't have a cat. i have a dogg cat has a habit of chewing on any paper that he can find. And we've tried and tried to get him to stop...many homework assignment ruined because of it. But, when I took him to the vet a week ago, the vet couldn't believe how heathy his teeth and gums were. I guess, I can't complain if it's helping him!
Reply:I dont really think that she's trying to brush her teath on it, alot of the time, they're just scratching their mouth on pretty much anything they come across and you'll wind up going up against their teeth, I think they scratch their gums sometimes even. I've had cats growing up, and when they clean out their claws they bite on them to get out the litter from their litter boxes, and my last cat I had, darla, when she'd be licking on my hand or something, she'd bite on my nails like she was trying to clean them like her own lol.

Anyways, cats do a lot of weird things, but they're great hu? lol
Reply:she is not brushing...she is marking you. They have scent glands that they use to mark their territory...You belong to her, that is what she is doing, claiming ownership!

Note for MMM: I don't see a reason to be so aggressive giving your answer. This is a very valid question. And, FYI, cat tooth paste exist, as special brushes for cats and dogs exist. Hard food is not enough for gums and teeth health, unless you buy a special formula that HELPS oral health. If you love your pet, you regularly take it to the vet, examine the teeth and do a cleaning. No need to be rude.
Reply:Cat grass works great too.

You can also mix the grass into your cat's wet food.

Also, keep in mind that a lot of dried cat food and cat snacks have corn syrup as an ingredient. I couldn't believe this when I went ahead and started reading cat food labels (...and how weird is that...reading cat food labels!).

But yes, corn syrup. So try to avoid food that contains any type of sugary additives as they cause cavities, just as they do in people.
Reply:You have to be kidding! Are you nutz or just confusing natural territorial rubbing along side of the face with brushing teeth? You need to get a serious grip or learn about cats! At last resort, feed them hard food. In all my years of having catz I've been fortunate in not having to brush their teeth. Sheesh, what a maroon. Cat tooth paste? Now I've heard it all. Whatever you are doing to your cat's teeth, stop it right now! Ain't natural. I pity the poor cat. I'm stopping just short of calling you a total nitwit.

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