Monday, November 16, 2009

My cat's teeth are growing in around his baby teeth... is that bad?

Normally those teeth will fall off but if within a couple of months it is still on, you may need to bring your cat to the vet to have them extracted. This can lead to problem with his bite down the road.

One of my cat had the same exact problem so when he got neutered, the vet also extracted them at the same time. Save me one trip to the vet and $$ too on the extraction anesthetic.

My cat's teeth are growing in around his baby teeth... is that bad?
Not necessarily. My cat had 4 upper canine teeth for a week or 2 before the baby ones fell out. If he/she is still eating and acting normal, wait and see if the babies fall out on their own. If the cat is expressing pain at all, take him/her to the vet for an exam.

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