Saturday, May 15, 2010

My cat has sores in his mouth. I have had a few teeth removed but he still has sore PLEASE HELP ME?

I need to know if this possibly could be cancer. The vet does not believe the sores are from the bad teeth, they want me to do blood work but I just cant affford it, butI love my cat and cant imagine putting him to sleep . If you have any advice I would appreciate it.

My cat has sores in his mouth. I have had a few teeth removed but he still has sore PLEASE HELP ME?
go back to the vet
Reply:Sorry, but I have no idea about "Cat Teeth" any more than my Medical doctor friend would venture a diagnosis about your cats hysterectomy issues. While I have created artificial teeth for dogs and cows in my dental laboratory, both a dentist and a Veterinarian were involved with the , let's say, patients. With regard to the issues you describe as possibly being other than dental related, you have only three choices and two are heart rendering to say the least. (1) can go in debt to have the test and possible treatment diagnosed as being required if the blood test reveal that..or (2) can just sit back and hope the kitty heals and doesn't suffer a great deal of pain in the process, or (2) to your Vet and determine if the best course of action, given all that is known about your cats condition, is to let him or her go peacefully by injection. Sometimes that decision expresses your highest form of love and respect for your pet. Ending unnecessary pain and suffering when no hope is possible is an act of indescribable love. Just know that many many who have read your entry understands your pain.
Reply:I can't understand why your teeth being pulled and your blood work would have anything to do with a cat????


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